Source code for

import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from import Component, Slottable
from meerkat.interactive.endpoint import Endpoint
from import classproperty

from .types import (

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

class FlowbiteSvelteMixin:
    def library(cls):
        return "flowbite-svelte"

    def namespace(cls):
        return "flowbite"

[docs]class Accordion(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): multiple: bool = False flush: bool = False activeClasses: str = "bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800 text-gray-900 " "dark:text-white focus:ring-4 focus:ring-gray-200 dark:focus:ring-gray-800" inactiveClasses: str = ( "text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-100 hover:dark:bg-gray-800" ) defaultClass: str = "text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400"
[docs]class AccordionItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): open: bool = False activeClasses: str = None inactiveClasses: str = None defaultClass: str = "flex items-center justify-between w-full font-medium " "text-left group-first:rounded-t-xl" transitionType: Literal["slide", "fade"] = "slide" transitionParams: dict = {}
[docs]class Alert(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): dismissable: bool = False accent: bool = False color: Literal[ "blue", "dark", "red", "green", "yellow", "indigo", "purple", "pink" ] = "blue"
[docs]class Avatar(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): src: str = "" href: str = None rounded: bool = False border: bool = False stacked: bool = False dot: dict = None alt: str = "" size: SizeType = "md" classes: str = None
[docs]class Badge(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: Literal[ "blue", "dark", "red", "green", "yellow", "indigo", "purple", "pink" ] = "blue" large: bool = False border: bool = False href: str = None rounded: bool = False index: bool = False dismissable: bool = False
[docs]class Button(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): classes: str = None pill: bool = False outline: bool = False gradient: bool = False size: SizeType = "md" href: str = None btnClass: str = None type: ButtonType = "button" color: Literal[ "alternative", "blue", "cyan", "dark", "light", "lime", "green", "pink", "primary", "red", "teal", "yellow", "purple", "purpleToBlue", "cyanToBlue", "greenToBlue", "purpleToPink", "pinkToOrange", "tealToLime", "redToYellow", ] = "blue" shadow: Optional[Buttonshadows] = None on_change: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None
[docs]class ButtonGroup(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): size: SizeType = "md" divClass: str = "inline-flex rounded-lg shadow-sm" on_blur: Endpoint = None on_change: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_focus: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None
[docs]class Card(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): href: str = None horizontal: bool = False reverse: bool = False img: str = None padding: Literal["none", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl"] = "lg" size: SizeType = "sm" # Frame options, passed as $$restProps tag: Literal["div", "a"] = "div" color: Literal[ "gray", "red", "yellow", "green", "indigo", "default", "purple", "pink", "blue", "light", "dark", "dropdown", "navbar", "navbarUl", "form", "none", ] = "default" rounded: bool = False border: bool = False shadow: bool = False
[docs]class CarouselTransition(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): showIndicators: bool = True showCaptions: bool = True showThumbs: bool = True images: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] slideControls: bool = True transitionType: TransitionTypes = "fade" transitionParams: dict = {} # TransitionParamTypes loop: bool = False duration: int = 2000 divClass: str = "overflow-hidden relative h-56 rounded-lg sm:h-64 xl:h-80 2xl:h-96" indicatorDivClass: str = ( "flex absolute bottom-5 left-1/2 z-30 space-x-3 -translate-x-1/2" ) captionClass: str = ( "h-10 bg-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-white p-2 my-2 text-center" ) indicatorClass: str = ( "w-3 h-3 rounded-full bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-300 opacity-60" )
[docs]class DarkMode(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): btnClass: str = ( "text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 " "focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-gray-200 dark:focus:ring-gray-700 " "rounded-lg text-sm p-2.5" )
[docs]class Drawer(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): activateClickOutside: bool = True hidden: bool = True position: Literal["fixed", "absolute"] = "fixed" leftOffset: str = "inset-y-0 left-0" rightOffset: str = "inset-y-0 right-0" topOffset: str = "inset-x-0 top-0" bottomOffset: str = "inset-x-0 bottom-0" width: str = "w-80" backdrop: bool = True bgColor: str = "bg-gray-900" bgOpacity: str = "bg-opacity-75" placement: Literal["left", "right", "top", "bottom"] = "left" # id: str = "drawer-example" divClass: str = "overflow-y-auto z-50 p-4 bg-white dark:bg-gray-800" transitionParams: dict = {} # DrawerTransitionParamTypes transitionType: DrawerTransitionTypes = "fly"
# Configure slots for header and footer
[docs]class FooterBrand(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): aClass: str = "flex items-center" spanClass: str = ( "self-center text-2xl font-semibold whitespace-nowrap dark:text-white" ) imgClass: str = "mr-3 h-8" href: str = "" src: str = "" alt: str = "" name: str = "" target: str = None
[docs]class FooterCopyright(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): spanClass: str = "block text-sm text-gray-500 sm:text-center dark:text-gray-400" aClass: str = "hover:underline" year: number = int("%Y")) # current year href: str = "" by: str = "" target: str = None
[docs]class FooterIcon(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): href: str = "" ariaLabel: str = "" aClass: str = "text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-900 dark:hover:text-white" target: str = None
[docs]class FooterLinkGroup(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): ulClass: str = "text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400"
[docs]class Indicator(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: Literal[ "gray", "dark", "blue", "green", "red", "purple", "indigo", "yellow", "teal", "none", ] = "gray" rounded: bool = False size: SizeType = "md" border: bool = False placement: Literal[ "top-left", "top-center", "top-right", "center-left", "center", "center-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right", ] = None offset: bool = True
[docs]class Kbd(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): kbdClass: str = "text-xs font-semibold text-gray-800 bg-gray-100 " "border border-gray-200 rounded-lg dark:bg-gray-600 " "dark:text-gray-100 dark:border-gray-500"
[docs]class ArrowKeyDown(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): svgClass: str = "w-4 h-4"
[docs]class ArrowKeyLeft(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): svgClass: str = "w-4 h-4"
[docs]class ArrowKeyRight(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): svgClass: str = "w-4 h-4"
[docs]class ArrowKeyUp(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): svgClass: str = "w-4 h-4"
# class ListGroup(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): # items: List[ListGroupItemType] = [] # active: bool = False # classes: str = "" # class ListGroupItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): # classes: str = "" # # Events # on_blur: Endpoint = None # on_change: Endpoint = None # on_click: Endpoint = None # on_focus: Endpoint = None # on_keydown: Endpoint = None # on_keypress: Endpoint = None # on_keyup: Endpoint = None # on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None # on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None # on_mouseover: Endpoint = None
[docs]class MegaMenu(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): classes: str = None items: List[LinkType] = [] open: bool = False full: bool = False
# slideParams: SlideParams = {delay: 250, duration: 500, easing: quintOut}
[docs]class PaginationItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): href: str = None active: bool = False activeClass: str = "" normalClass: str = "text-gray-500 bg-white hover:bg-gray-100 " "hover:text-gray-700 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 " "dark:text-gray-400 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-white"
[docs]class Popover(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): title: str = "" defaultClass: str = "py-2 px-3"
# class Popper(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): # activeContent: bool = False # arrow: bool = True # offset: number = 8 # placement: Placement = "top" # trigger: Literal["hover", "click"] = "hover" # triggeredBy: str = None # strategy: Literal["absolute", "fixed"] = "absolute" # open: bool = False # yOnly: bool = False # class Frame(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): # tag: str = "div" # color: Literal[ # "gray", # "red", # "yellow", # "green", # "indigo", # "default", # "purple", # "pink", # "blue", # "light", # "dark", # "dropdown", # "navbar", # "navbarUl", # "form", # "none", # ] = "default" # rounded: bool = False # border: bool = False # shadow: bool = False # # transition: TransitionFunc = None # params: object = {} # # node: HTMLElement = None # # use: Action = noop # options: object = {}
[docs]class Progressbar(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): progress: number = 45 size: Literal["h-2.5", "h-3", "h-4", "h-5"] = "h-2.5" labelInside: bool = False labelOutside: str = "" color: Literal[ "blue", "gray", "red", "green", "yellow", "purple", "indigo" ] = "blue" labelInsideClass: str = ( "text-blue-100 text-xs font-medium text-center p-0.5 leading-none " "rounded-full" )
[docs]class Rating(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): divClass: str = "flex items-center" size: str = "24" total: number = 5 rating: number = 4 ceil: bool = False count: bool = False
[docs]class AdvancedRating(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): divClass: str = "flex items-center mt-4" labelClass: str = "text-sm font-medium text-blue-600 dark:text-blue-500" ratingDivClass: str = "mx-4 w-2/4 h-5 bg-gray-200 rounded dark:bg-gray-700" ratingClass: str = "h-5 bg-yellow-400 rounded" rightLabelClass: str = "text-sm font-medium text-blue-600 dark:text-blue-500" unit: str = "%"
[docs]class ScoreRating(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): desc1Class: str = "bg-blue-100 w-8 text-blue-800 text-sm font-semibold " "inline-flex items-center p-1.5 rounded dark:bg-blue-200 dark:text-blue-800" desc2Class: str = "ml-2 w-24 font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white" desc3spanClass: str = "mx-2 w-1 h-1 bg-gray-900 rounded-full dark:bg-gray-500" desc3pClass: str = "text-sm w-24 font-medium text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400"
[docs]class RatingComment(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): ceil: bool = False helpfullink: str = "" abuselink: str = ""
[docs]class Review(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): review: ReviewType = None articleClass: str = "md:gap-8 md:grid md:grid-cols-3" divClass: str = "flex items-center mb-6 space-x-4" imgClass: str = "w-10 h-10 rounded-full" ulClass: str = "space-y-4 text-sm text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400" liClass: str = "flex items-center"
[docs]class SidebarBrand(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): site: SiteType = None
[docs]class SidebarCta(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): divWrapperClass: str = "p-4 mt-6 bg-blue-50 rounded-lg dark:bg-blue-900" divClass: str = "flex items-center mb-3" spanClass: str = "bg-orange-100 text-orange-800 text-sm font-semibold " "mr-2 px-2.5 py-0.5 rounded dark:bg-orange-200 dark:text-orange-900" label: str = ""
[docs]class SidebarDropdownItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): aClass: str = "flex items-center p-2 pl-11 w-full text-base font-normal " "text-gray-900 rounded-lg transition duration-75 group hover:bg-gray-100 " "dark:text-white dark:hover:bg-gray-700" href: str = "" label: str = "" activeClass: str = "flex items-center p-2 pl-11 text-base font-normal " "text-gray-900 bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-lg dark:text-white " "hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700" active: bool = False # Events on_blur: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_focus: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keypress: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None on_mouseover: Endpoint = None
[docs]class SidebarDropdownWrapper(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): btnClass: str = "flex items-center p-2 w-full text-base font-normal " "text-gray-900 rounded-lg transition duration-75 group hover:bg-gray-100 " "dark:text-white dark:hover:bg-gray-700" label: str = "" spanClass: str = "flex-1 ml-3 text-left whitespace-nowrap" ulClass: str = "py-2 space-y-2" isOpen: bool = False
[docs]class SidebarGroup(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): ulClass: str = "space-y-2" borderClass: str = "pt-4 mt-4 border-t border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700" border: bool = False
[docs]class SidebarItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): aClass: str = "flex items-center p-2 text-base font-normal text-gray-900 " "rounded-lg dark:text-white hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700" href: str = "" label: str = "" spanClass: str = "ml-3" activeClass: str = "flex items-center p-2 text-base font-normal text-gray-900 " "bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-lg dark:text-white hover:bg-gray-100 " "dark:hover:bg-gray-700" active: bool = False # Events on_blur: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_focus: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keypress: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None on_mouseover: Endpoint = None
[docs]class SidebarWrapper(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): divClass: str = "overflow-y-auto py-4 px-3 bg-gray-50 rounded dark:bg-gray-800" asideClass: str = "w-64"
[docs]class SpeedDial(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): defaultClass: str = "fixed right-6 bottom-6" placement: Placement = "top" pill: bool = True tooltip: Union[Placement, Literal["none"]] = "left" trigger: Literal["hover", "click"] = "hover" textOutside: bool = False # id: str = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Events on_click: Endpoint = None
[docs]class SpeedDialButton(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): pass
[docs]class Spinner(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: Literal[ "blue", "gray", "green", "red", "yellow", "pink", "purple", "white" ] = "blue" bg: str = "text-gray-300" size: str = "8" currentFill: str = "currentFill" currentColor: str = "currentColor"
[docs]class Tabs(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): style: Literal["full", "pill", "underline", "none"] = "none" defaultClass: str = "flex flex-wrap space-x-2" contentClass: str = "p-4 bg-gray-50 rounded-lg dark:bg-gray-800 mt-4" divider: bool = True activeClasses: str = ( "p-4 text-blue-600 bg-gray-100 rounded-t-lg dark:bg-gray-800 " "dark:text-blue-500" ) inactiveClasses: str = "p-4 text-gray-500 rounded-t-lg hover:text-gray-600 " "hover:bg-gray-50 dark:text-gray-400 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 " "dark:hover:text-gray-300"
[docs]class TabItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): open: bool = False title: str = "Tab title" activeClasses: str = "" inactiveClasses: str = "" defaultClass: str = ( "inline-block text-sm font-medium text-center disabled:cursor-not-allowed" )
[docs]class Table(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): divClass: str = "relative overflow-x-auto" striped: bool = False hoverable: bool = False noborder: bool = False shadow: bool = False color: Literal[ "blue", "green", "red", "yellow", "purple", "indigo", "pink", "default", "custom", ] = "default"
[docs]class TableBodyCell(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): tdClass: str = "px-6 py-4 whitespace-nowrap font-medium "
[docs]class TableBodyRow(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): # TODO: figure out how to get context color: Literal[ "blue", "green", "red", "yellow", "purple", "default", "custom" ] = "purple" # getContext("color")
[docs]class TableSearch(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): divClass: str = "relative overflow-x-auto shadow-md sm:rounded-lg" inputValue: str = "" striped: bool = False hoverable: bool = False placeholder: str = "Search" color: Literal[ "blue", "green", "red", "yellow", "purple", "default", "custom" ] = "default"
[docs]class TableHead(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): theadClass: str = "text-xs uppercase" defaultRow: bool = True
[docs]class Timeline(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): customClass: str = "" order: Literal[ "default", "vertical", "horizontal", "activity", "group", "custom" ] = "default"
[docs]class TimelineItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): title: str = "" date: str = "" customDiv: str = "" customTimeClass: str = ""
[docs]class Checkbox(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: FormColorType = "blue" title: str = "" date: str = ""
[docs]class TimelineHorizontal(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): olClass: str = "items-center sm:flex"
[docs]class TimelineItemHorizontal(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): title: str = "" date: str = ""
[docs]class Toast(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: Literal[ "gray", "red", "yellow", "green", "indigo", "default", "purple", "pink", "blue", "light", "dark", "dropdown", "navbar", "navbarUl", "form", "none", ] = "blue" simple: bool = False position: Literal[ "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "none" ] = "none" open: bool = True divClass: str = "w-full max-w-xs p-4" classes: str = None
[docs]class Tooltip(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): style: Literal["dark", "light", "auto", "custom"] = "dark" defaultClass: str = "py-2 px-3 text-sm font-medium"
[docs]class Activity(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): olClass: str = "relative border-l border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700"
[docs]class ActivityItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): activities: List[ActivityType] = []
[docs]class Group(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): divClass: str = "p-5 mb-4 bg-gray-50 rounded-lg border border-gray-100 " "dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700" timeClass: str = "text-lg font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white" date: str = "" # date: Union[Date, str] = ""
[docs]class GroupItem(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): timelines: List[GroupTimelineType] = [] # "blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "indigo", "purple", "pink" # ] = "blue" # TODO: check that these are the right colors custom: bool = False inline: bool = False group: Union[number, str] = "" value: Union[number, str] = "" on_change: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None on_paste: Endpoint = None
[docs]class FloatingLabelInput(FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): # id: str = "" # determine if this should be uuid style: Literal["filled", "outlined", "standard"] = "standard" type: Literal["text"] = "text" # TODO: add more input types size: Literal["small", "default"] = "default" color: Literal["base", "green", "red"] = "base" value: str = "" label: str = "" on_blur: Endpoint = None on_change: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_focus: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keypress: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None on_mouseover: Endpoint = None on_paste: Endpoint = None
[docs]class Radio(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: Literal[ "blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "indigo", "purple", "pink" ] = "blue" custom: bool = False inline: bool = False group: Union[number, str] = "" value: Union[number, str] = "" on_blur: Endpoint = None on_change: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_focus: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keypress: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None on_mouseover: Endpoint = None on_paste: Endpoint = None
[docs]class Range(FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): value: number size: Literal["sm", "md", "lg"] = "md" min: number = None max: number = None step: number = None on_change: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keypress: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None
[docs]class Select(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): items: list value: Union[str, number] placeholder: str = "Choose option ..." underline: bool = False size: Literal["sm", "md", "lg"] = "md" on_change: Endpoint = None on_input: Endpoint = None
[docs]class Textarea(FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): value: str = "" rows: int = 3 placeholder: str = "" classes: str = None on_blur: Endpoint = None on_change: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None on_focus: Endpoint = None on_input: Endpoint = None on_keydown: Endpoint = None on_keypress: Endpoint = None on_keyup: Endpoint = None on_mouseenter: Endpoint = None on_mouseleave: Endpoint = None on_mouseover: Endpoint = None on_paste: Endpoint = None
[docs]class Toggle(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): size: Literal["small", "default", "large"] = "default" group: List[Union[str, number]] = () value: Union[str, number] = "" checked: bool = False on_change: Endpoint = None on_click: Endpoint = None
[docs]class A(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): href: str = "#" color: str = "text-blue-600 dark:text-blue-500" aClass: str = "inline-flex items-center hover:underline"
[docs]class Blockquote(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): border: bool = False italic: bool = True borderClass: str = "border-l-4 border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-500" bgClass: str = "bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800" bg: bool = False baseClass: str = "font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white" alignment: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left" size: Literal[ "xs", "sm", "base", "lg", "xl", "2xl", "3xl", "4xl", "5xl", "6xl", "7xl", "8xl", "9xl", ] = "lg"
[docs]class DescriptionList(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): tag: Literal["dt", "dd"] = "" dtClass: str = "text-gray-500 md:text-lg dark:text-gray-400" ddClass: str = "text-lg font-semibold"
[docs]class Heading(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): tag: Literal["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"] = "h1" color: str = "text-gray-900 dark:text-white" customSize: str = ""
[docs]class Hr(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): icon: bool = False width: str = "w-full" height: str = "h-px" divClass: str = "inline-flex justify-center items-center w-full" hrClass: str = "bg-gray-200 rounded border-0 dark:bg-gray-700" iconDivClass: str = "absolute left-1/2 px-4 bg-white -translate-x-1/2 " textSpanClass: str = "absolute left-1/2 px-3 font-medium text-gray-900 " "bg-white -translate-x-1/2 dark:text-white " middleBgColor: str = "dark:bg-gray-900"
[docs]class Layout(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): divClass: str = "grid" cols: str = "grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2" gap: number = 4
[docs]class Li(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): icon: bool = False liClass: str = ""
[docs]class List(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): tag: Literal["ul", "ol", "dl"] = "ul" list: Literal["disc", "none", "decimal"] = "disc" position: Literal["inside", "outside"] = "inside" color: str = "text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400" olClass: str = "list-decimal list-inside" ulClass: str = "max-w-md" dlClass: str = "max-w-md divide-y divide-gray-200 dark:divide-gray-700"
[docs]class Mark(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: str = "text-white dark:bg-blue-500" bgColor: str = "bg-blue-600" markClass: str = "px-2 rounded"
[docs]class P(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: str = "text-gray-900 dark:text-white" height: Literal["normal", "relaxed", "loose"] = "normal" align: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left" justify: bool = False italic: bool = False firstupper: bool = False upperClass: str = "first-line:uppercase first-line:tracking-widest " "first-letter:text-7xl first-letter:font-bold first-letter:text-gray-900 " "dark:first-letter:text-gray-100 first-letter:mr-3 first-letter:float-left" opacity: Union[number, None] = None whitespace: Literal["normal", "nowrap", "pre", "preline", "prewrap"] = "normal" size: Literal[ "xs", "sm", "base", "lg", "xl", "2xl", "3xl", "4xl", "5xl", "6xl", "7xl", "8xl", "9xl", ] = "base" space: Literal[ "tighter", "tight", "normal", "wide", "wider", "widest", None, ] = None weight: Literal[ "thin", "extralight", "light", "normal", "medium", "semibold", "bold", "extrabold", "black", ] = "normal"
[docs]class Secondary(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): color: str = "text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400" secondaryClass: str = "font-semibold"
[docs]class Span(Slottable, FlowbiteSvelteMixin, Component): italic: bool = False underline: bool = False linethrough: bool = False uppercase: bool = False gradient: bool = False highlight: bool = False highlightClass: str = "text-blue-600 dark:text-blue-500" decorationClass: str = "decoration-2 decoration-blue-400 " "dark:decoration-blue-600" gradientClass: str = ( "text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-gradient-to-r to-emerald-600 " "from-sky-400" )
__all__ = [ "Accordion", "AccordionItem", "Button", "Card", "Dropdown", "DropdownItem", "DropdownDivider", "DropdownHeader", ]