Reactive Functions¶

A reactive function in Meerkat is a function that reruns when one of its inputs changes. This allows for creating functions that are responsive to the data they are given.

Definition - reactive function

A function that reruns when one of its inputs changes.

Reactivity is the essence behind building interactive user interfaces in Meerkat. Reactive code is “tracked” by Meerkat so that it can be run again based on if the respective inputs change.

These docs walk through what reactive functions are, how to use them, and how to write your own.

Getting Started with Reactive Functions¶

In any interactive application, certain functions will need to be rerun when states of variables in the application change. Meerkat provides a mechanism for this through the concept of reactivity, implemented using the @mk.reactive() decorator.

In these pages, we will discuss

  • the concept of reactivity in Meerkat

  • how to make code reactive

  • common pitfalls and how to avoid them

  • a few examples of how to use reactivity

  • turning reactivity off

What is Reactivity?¶

Definition - reactive function

A function that reruns when one of its inputs changes.

In Meerkat, reactivity refers to the ability to rerun a function invocation when its inputs change.

The bodies of reactive functions are exactly like regular functions. The difference is that reactive functions are tracked by Meerkat, which handles re-invoking them behind the scenes.

Creating Reactive Functions¶

Meerkat provides the @mk.reactive() decorator to designate a function as reactive. If you haven’t used Python decorators before, they are simply wrappers around a function. When we use @mk.reactive(), the decorator will return a new function that is reactive.

To use mk.reactive(), use standard Python syntax for decorators. There are three ways to do this:

  1. Decorate a function with mk.reactive():

    def add_by_1(a):
        return a + 1
  2. Call mk.reactive() on a function:

    def add_by_1(a):
        return a + 1
    add_by_1 = mk.reactive(add_by_1)
  3. Call mk.reactive() on a lambda function:

    add_by_1 = mk.reactive(lambda a: a + 1)

All three methods have the same effect of creating a reactive function called add_by_1 that can be used in subsequent lines of code.

What does wrapping a function with mk.reactive() actually do? At a high level, these functions will be rerun when their inputs change.

We’ll look at this in more detail in a bit. First, though, we’ll talk about Marked objects, which are intertwined with reactive functions.

Marked Inputs and Reactivity¶

So far, we learned a simple definition of reactive functions in Meerkat. This definition was almost, but not quite, complete.

Rather than a reactive function being rerun whenever any of its inputs are updated, it is actually rerun whenever any of its marked inputs are updated. This is a subtle but important distinction.

What objects can be marked? By default, standard objects cannot be marked. However, they can be wrapped in a Store. Store objects are markable, which means we can mark them for use with reactive functions. Python primitives, third-party objects, and custom objects can be wrapped in Store objects to make them markable. Other objects in Meerkat like DataFrame and Column are also markable. All of these objects provide a .mark() and .unmark() method to control whether they are marked or not.

This means that for a function to react to changes in its inputs, its inputs must be marked. Let’s look at a few examples.


Inputs into reactive functions must be marked for the function to react to changes in them.

import meerkat as mk

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

# c1 is updated if either a or b changes
a = mk.Store(1)
b = mk.Store(2)
c1 = add(a, b)

# c2 is updated only if a changes as b is unmarked
a = mk.Store(1)
b = mk.Store(2).unmark()
c2 = add(a, b)

# c3 is updated only if a changes as b is not markable
a = mk.Store(1)
b = 2
c3 = add(a, b)

# c4 will never be updated because neither a nor b are markable
a = 1
b = 2
c4 = add(a, b)

Most of the time, we won’t need to worry about marking Store objects, since they are marked by default.

However, other Meerkat objects like DataFrame and Column are unmarked by default. If we want reactive functions to react to changes in them, we must call .mark() on them prior to passing them to a reactive function.

def df_sum(df):
    return df["a"].sum()

df = mk.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]})

# c1 is not updated if df changes because DataFrames are unmarked by default
c1 = df_sum(df)

# c2 is updated if df changes as df is now marked
c2 = df_sum(df)


  • Any inputs can be passed to reactive functions, but only marked inputs will be used to determine if the function should be rerun.

  • Wrap a Python primitive or custom object in Store to make it markable.

  • Use the .mark() and .unmark() methods to control whether a markable object is marked or not.

  • Store objects are marked by default, whereas other Meerkat objects are unmarked by default.

Chaining Reactive Functions¶

One of the reasons reactive functions are so powerful is that they can be chained together. This allows us to decompose code into neatly abstracted functions and then compose them together to create complex workflows.

Let’s look at an example with two reactive functions, add and multiply.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)

u = add(x, y)  # u is Store(3), type(u) is Store
v = add(y, 7)  # v is Store(9), type(v) is Store
w = multiply(u, 2)  # w is Store(6), type(w) is Store

x.set(4, triggers=True)
# u is now Store(6), type(u) is Store
# v is unchanged
# w is now Store(12), type(w) is Store

Let’s break down this example:

  • add and multiply are both reactive functions.

  • u depends on x and y, so it will be updated if either of them are updated.

  • v depends only on y, so it will only be updated if y updates.

  • w depends on u, so it will be updated if u is updated.

When we update x, only u and w are updated, by running add and multiply again respectively. If instead we updated y, all three outputs u, v and w would be updated, with add running twice and multiply running once.

In practice, Meerkat provides in-built reactive functions for many common operations on Store objects. So we could have written the example above as:

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)

u = x + y  # u is Store(3), type(u) is Store
v = y + 7  # v is Store(9), type(v) is Store
w = u * 2  # w is Store(6), type(w) is Store

In the above example, the + and * operators were automatically turned into reactive functions. Other examples include mk.len(), mk.str(), and mk.sort(). You can find a full list of the reactive functions that Meerkat provides here.

Turning reactivity off¶

In some cases, we may not want certain code to be reactive. To make code non-reactive, we can use meerkat.unmarked.


Use unmarked to turn off reactivity for a function or block of code.

Like reactive, unmarked can be used as a decorator for functions:

def add(a, b):
    # This will never return a store because the function is unmarked.
    return a + b

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)
c = add(x, y)  # c is 3, type(c) is int

It can also be used as a context manager:

def add(a, b):
    # This will never return a store because the function is unmarked (by default).
    return a + b

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)

with unmarked():
    c = add(x, y)  # c is 3, type(c) is int

If reactive functions are run in an unmarked context, they will not be reactive:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)

with unmarked():
    c = add(x, y)  # c is 3, type(c) is int