
Endpoints are functions that are called in response to frontend events.

This set of pages will discuss what endpoints are, how to use them, and how to write your own.

Getting Started with Endpoints¶

Endpoints in Meerkat allow users to define functions that

  • can serve as API endpoints for Meerkat frontends

  • can be used to modify state in response to user input or events

  • can be used to launch and manage long-running processes

Meerkat builds on top of FastAPI, using a lightweight wrapper around FastAPI’s APIRouter class to create endpoints. Most of the time, you will not need to interact with the FastAPI router directly.

Creating Endpoints¶

Creating endpoints in Meerkat is easy, using the @mk.endpoint decorator.

def hello_world():
    return "Hello World!"

Any function decorated with @endpoint() will automatically become an endpoint. These endpoints can be called using a special endpoint /endpoint/{endpoint_id}/dispatch that dispatches to all Meerkat endpoints.

By default, endpoints are POST requests that accept only body parameters, and no query or path parameters.

import requests

response = requests.post(f"http://localhost:8000/endpoint/{hello_world.id}/dispatch")
print(response.text) # Hello World!

Endpoints are a particularly important building block for interactive applications in Meerkat. Let’s look at a couple of examples.

Running Endpoints in Response to Component Events¶

You will frequently pass endpoints to components when they are initialized. This pattern is designed to allow you to run endpoints in response to component events.

def hello_world():
    return "Hello World!"

button = mk.Button(on_click=my_endpoint)

Here, the Button component has an on_click argument that takes an endpoint. When the button is clicked by a user in an interface, the hello_world endpoint will be called.

What does @endpoint do?¶

Let’s go over what @endpoint does under the hood.

  1. Endpoints created with @endpoint are automatically added to the FastAPI docs (available at /docs when the FastAPI server is started).

  2. These endpoints can be called using a special endpoint /endpoint/{endpoint_id}/dispatch that dispatches to all Meerkat endpoints.

  3. By default, endpoints accept only body parameters, and no query or path parameters.

  4. Only POST requests are allowed to these endpoints.

Customizing Endpoints¶

To have greater control over endpoints, endpoints allow a couple of additional arguments. You can even use the underlying FastAPI router directly, although this should generally not be necessary.

Let’s see the arguments that @endpoint provides with an example.

# This endpoint is served at /hello/hello_world_v1
def hello_world_v1():
    return "Hello World!"

# This endpoint is served at /hello/world
@mk.endpoint(prefix="/hello", route="/world")
def hello_world_v2():
    return "Hello World!"

Example: Creating a Counter with Endpoints¶

One of the important use cases for endpoints is to allow you to modify state in response to an event on the frontend.

To see this in more detail, let’s look at the simple example of a counter.

Let’s start by creating a variable to keep track of the counter value.

count = Store(0)

Generally, you will want to use a Store to keep track of state in your application. Store objects are designed to work well with endpoints. In particular, all Meerkat objects including Store expose a set method that can be used to update them. This method should only be used inside endpoints.

Let’s set up a couple of endpoints that increment and decrement the counter, and set the count variable to its new value.

def increment(counter: Store):
    counter.set(counter + 1)

def decrement(counter: Store):
    counter.set(counter - 1)

Here, you must type annotate that counter will be a Store argument in the endpoints. This tells Meerkat that you you would like counter to remain a Store object inside the body of the endpoint function. By default, Meerkat always unwraps all Store objects and passes their underlying values to the endpoint.

We can now create buttons that will call these endpoints when they are clicked.

increment_button = mk.gui.Button(title="Increment", on_click=increment.partial(count))
decrement_button = mk.gui.Button(title="Decrement", on_click=decrement.partial(count))

We use the partial method to create a new endpoint that is identical to the original endpoint, except that the count argument is set to the value of the count variable. This allows us to pass the endpoint to the on_click argument of the Button component.

Finally, we can create a component that displays the current value of the counter.

counter = mk.gui.html.div(Text(data=count), classes="self-center text-4xl")

Putting it all together, we get the following application.

page = mk.gui.Page(
        [increment_button, decrement_button, counter]