Creating Reactive Functions¶

Meerkat provides the @mk.reactive() decorator to designate a function as reactive. If you haven’t used Python decorators before, they are simply wrappers around a function. When we use @mk.reactive(), the decorator will return a new function that is reactive.

To use mk.reactive(), use standard Python syntax for decorators. There are three ways to do this:

  1. Decorate a function with mk.reactive():

    def add_by_1(a):
        return a + 1
  2. Call mk.reactive() on a function:

    def add_by_1(a):
        return a + 1
    add_by_1 = mk.reactive(add_by_1)
  3. Call mk.reactive() on a lambda function:

    add_by_1 = mk.reactive(lambda a: a + 1)

All three methods have the same effect of creating a reactive function called add_by_1 that can be used in subsequent lines of code.

What does wrapping a function with mk.reactive() actually do? At a high level, these functions will be rerun when their inputs change.

We’ll look at this in more detail in a bit. First, though, we’ll talk about Markable objects, which are intertwined with reactive functions.

Demystifying Reactive Functions¶

Now that we understand the importance of Store objects to reactivity, let’s look at how reactive functions work. Consider the same function add.

What happens when you wrap add with mk.reactive()?

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

Meerkat tracks the function add and reruns it if any of the inputs to it (i.e., a or b) change. Here, we are assuming that both a and b are marked. Internally, Meerkat puts the add function into a computation graph that tracks dependencies between reactive functions.

What happens when you call add?

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)
z = add(x, y)  # z is Store(3), type(z) is Store

Meerkat does the following steps:

  1. Unwrap input stores. Any inputs to add that are Store objects are unwrapped before passing them into the body of add.

  2. Turn off reactivity. Meerkat turns off reactivity before executing the function. This only applies for the duration of the function call.

  3. Execute the function. The function is executed as if it were a normal Python function.

  4. Wrap and mark the outputs: Then, the output of add is wrapped in a Store object and returned. If the output is a markable object (e.g., mk.DataFrame <meerkat.DataFrame>), the object is marked. This lets us use the output of add as input to other reactive functions.

  5. Turn on reactivity: Meerkat turns reactivity back on once the function has returned.

The main consequence of these steps is that any reactive function can be written as a regular Python function. We don’t have to worry about unwrapping Store inputs or managing reactivity manually. Thus, we can convert any existing Python function into a reactive function simply by wrapping it with mk.reactive().

What happens when you change any of the inputs to add?

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)
z = add(x, y)  # z is Store(3), type(z) is Store

x.set(4, triggers=True)
# z is now Store(6), type(z) is Store

What does Meerkat do when x is changed? Let’s walk through the steps:

  • Meerkat detects that x changed because x is a Store, and .set() was called on it.

  • Meerkat looks for all reactive functions that were called with x as an argument (i.e. add).

  • Meerkat then reruns those functions (i.e., add) and any functions that depend on their outputs.

  • Finally, Meerkat updates the outputs of any reactive functions that it reruns (i.e. z).


  • What happens when reactive function doesnt have arguments

  • Using the same reactive function multiple times