
Let’s go over a few guidelines for writing reactive functions.

Write reactive functions like normal functions¶

Write reactive functions like any other Python function. There’s no need to think of inputs to the function in any special way, since Store objects will be unwrapped by Meerkat to their underlying values automatically.

The only case in which it doesn’t make sense to wrap a normal function with the @mk.reactive decorator is for functions that take no arguments, since they can never be re-run.

An important rule of thumb when using reactive functions is: don’t edit objects inside them without thinking very carefully about the consequences.

This isn’t a strict rule, but it’s a good guideline to follow. Let’s look at an example that is particularly bad practice:

def foo(df: mk.DataFrame):
    # .... do some stuff to df
    df["a"] += 1
    return df

df = mk.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]})
df_2 = foo(df)

Here, foo quietly updates the original df object, and then returns it. This is bad practice for a couple of reasons:

  • The output of foo is the same object as the input to it, which leads to a cyclical dependency for this reactive function. This means that if df is updated, foo will be re-run, and then df will be updated again, and so on.

  • Meerkat disregards when df is updated in-place inside a reactive function, so it won’t update any outputs that depend on df. If it did, it would cause an infinite loop (since foo must have been called because df was updated, and so on).

The way to avoid this is to just not edit objects in-place inside reactive functions. Generally, this will also mean you won’t return the same object as the input into the function. Instead, create a new object and return that. For example:

def foo(df: mk.DataFrame):
    # .... do some stuff to df
    df_2 = df.copy()
    df_2["a"] += 1
    return df_2

This is a much better way to write foo, because it doesn’t edit the original df object, and it doesn’t return the same object as the input into it.

The appropriate place to edit objects in-place in response to user input is inside a @mk.endpoint() function, which you can read more about in the guide at XXXXXXX.

On type hints Generally, we recommend that you type-hint the inputs to a reactive function without using Store objects, since they will be automatically unwrapped inside the function body.

# Do this.
def add(a: int, b: int):
    return a + b

# Don't do this.
def add(a: mk.Store, b: mk.Store):
    return a + b

For return values, type-hinting the return value as a Store object is better, since the return value will be wrapped into a Store automatically.

def add(a: int, b: int) -> mk.Store[int]:
    return a + b

Use reactive functions over shortcuts¶

Another guideline we recommend is to actually write reactive functions rather than using shortcuts such as direct operations on Store objects, or overusing the magic context. If you do use shortcuts, we recommend you put them inside a magic context for readability.

As an example,

a = mk.Store(1)

# Method 1: best and should be preferred, overkill for this example
def add_five(x: int):
    return x + 5
b = add_five(a)

# Method 2: inlined reactive function is quite readable
b = mk.reactive(lambda x: x + 5)(a)

# Method 3: Store shortcut on + is convenient, but not readable
b = a + 5

# Method 4: same shortcut, but magic context makes it more readable
with magic():
    b = a + 5

How to think about return values of reactive functions.¶

When you write a reactive function, the return value will automatically be wrapped in a single Store object that is created by the function, regardless of what was returned. This is different from how you might think about return values in a normal Python function, where the return value is just a reference to an existing object.

Let’s go over the consequences of this over a few different return value types.

If you return a single object of any type, it will be wrapped in a Store object. The only exception is other Meerkat objects like mk.DataFrame and mk.Column, which never to be wrapped by Store.

To fix an example, we’ll take the following snippet of code and think about what a will be for different return values of foo.

def foo(...) -> ...:
    return ...

a = foo()

To be explicit, here are some examples:

Return Value






(1, 2)

Store((1, 2))

[1, 2]

Store([1, 2])

{"a": 1}

Store({"a": 1})

mk.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]})

mk.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]})

In all cases, a will be a Store, except if the return value is a Meerkat object.

Nested return values¶

There are cases where you might wonder how to return nested Store objects. For example, you might wonder how to return a tuple of Store objects, rather than only a single Store object containing a tuple e.g. maybe you want to return a pair of int values, where each value is wrapped in a Store object.

This is generally not something you will need to ever do explicitly. Let’s look at a simple example where we chain two reactive functions to understand why.

def foo():
    return 1, 2 # Return a tuple of ints

def bar(a):
    return a + 1

# Chain: foo()[0] -> bar()
x = foo() # Store((1, 2))
y = bar(x[0])

What happens when we pass x[0] to bar? Indexing into a Store is actually reactive, so x[0] will itself behave like a reactive function that takes 0 as input and returns x[0] as output wrapped in a Store. Passing this Store on to bar means that y will be re-run if x changes, which is exactly what we want.

If indexing into a Store with x[i] was not reactive, it would actually break the chain of reactivity, and bar would not be re-run if x changed.

The takeaway is that Meerkat obviates the need to explicitly wrap nested return values in Store objects, since indexing into a Store is itself reactive.

However, keep in mind that when indexing into a Store to access nested values, a new Store object is created each time, even if you index into the same location. This means that if you want to access the same nested value multiple times, you should store it in a variable first.

x = Store((1, 2))
a = x[0]
b = x[0]
# `a` and `b` are different `Store` objects.
# This can lead to subtle bugs e.g. setting `a` would not trigger
# functions that depend on `b`.

The solution here is to just access the nested value once to define a, and then reuse the a variable.

Finally, if you do want to explicitly control how return values of a reactive function are wrapped by Store, you have the option to wrap these values in a Store inside the function and return it yourself.

def foo():
    return mk.Store(1), mk.Store(2)

a = foo()
# `a` will be Store((Store(1), Store(2)))

In this case, the return value is a tuple of Store objects, and so a will be a Store object containing a tuple of Store objects.