How do I create a Store?¶

x = mk.Store(1) # or mk.Store(<any object>)

What can I put in a Store?¶

Anything. All Python objects are valid inputs to Store. For example, primitive types (e.g. int, float, str, etc.), complex types (e.g. list, dict, tuple, etc.), arbitrary objects (e.g. pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray, etc.), classes, functions and even other Store objects (although we don’t recommend nesting Store objects).

Will this <statement> be reactive, and return a Store?¶

Normally, statements with Store objects are reactive only when they involve operators. For example, x + y, x - 1 and ~x will all behave as reactive statements that return another Store object.

The only other situation in which this occurs is when a reactive function is being called on a Store object. For example, mk.reactive(lambda x: x + 1)(x) will be reactive, and return a Store object.

Finally, many other statements on Store objects will become reactive in the magic context. Read more about the magic context XXXXXXXXX.

How do I update a Store?¶

A Store can be updated by either the Python code and/or frontend.

  • Frontend: If the store is used by a component on the frontend, changes on the frontend will automatically be reflected in the Store on the Python side.

  • Python: The Store has a .set method that can be used to update its value. This .set method should only be used in functions decorated with @mk.endpoint if you want the updated Store to trigger re-execution of reactive functions.

counter = mk.Store(0)

Remember, setting a store equal to a value (i.e. store = 1) will not update the value of the store. Use store.set()!

Why does Store(None) is None return False?¶

Unfortunately, is is a special token in Python that cannot be intercepted by Meerkat, so this is an unavoidable limitation of the Store object. However, Store(None) == None will return True.

Store(None) is None  # False
Store(None) == None  # True

Do I need to do anything special inside reactive functions?¶

No. Write your reactive functions as you would any other Python function.

Reactive functions unwrap all Store arguments automatically, so treat those arguments as normal Python objects. They also automatically wrap the return value of the function in a Store object, so return any Python object you like.

def add(x: int, y: int):
    # Don't worry about `Store` objects here!
    # If x and y are passed in as Store objects,
    # they've already been unwrapped to their
    # wrapped values automatically.
    return x + y # this is just adding two `int`s

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)
add(x, y) # returns a Store containing the value 3

Of course, you can still create Store objects manually inside reactive functions if you want to.

Should I use the magic context?¶

It depends.

The magic context is a special context in which all methods and attribute access for Store objects become reactive i.e. store.<blah>-like statements (remember that fn(store) calls will not be reactive unless fn is explicitly decorated with mk.reactive() though!).

This means that you can use Store objects in a more natural way, without having to worry about whether or not the statement you’re writing is reactive.

For example, instead of writing:

df = mk.Store(pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]}))
# This doesn't work like a reactive statement
cols = df.columns
# You must wrap `df.columns` in a reactive function
# if you want the `cols` variable to be updated when `df` changes.
cols = mk.reactive(lambda df: df.columns)(df)

You can write:

df = mk.Store(pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]}))
# No need to wrap `df.columns` in a reactive function
# if you're using the `magic` context.
with mk.magic():
    cols = df.columns

The magic context is not required at all, but it can make your code more succinct and easier to write. In general, we recommend using the magic context as little as possible, since it will make it much less explicit to a reader of your code whether or not a statement is reactive. Anything you can do in the magic context, you can also do without it.

Are there any caveats to using the magic context?¶

There are some important edge cases when using the magic context that you should be aware of. You should see warnings when you encounter these edge cases, but it’s still good to be aware of them.

One major edge case is when using and, or, not, is, and in operators. These operators are special tokens in Python, and cannot be intercepted by Meerkat. This means that the following statements will not be reactive, and should not be relied on.

x = mk.Store(1)
y = mk.Store(2)
w = mk.Store([1, 2, 3])
with mk.magic():
    # None of these will be reactive
    # and may return the wrong value!
    z = x and y
    z = x is y
    z = x or y
    z = not x
    z = x in w
    # Use Meerkat's built-in overloads instead
    mk.cand(x, y)
    mk.cor(x, y)
    # Or just wrap in a reactive lambda function!
    z = mk.reactive(lambda x, y: x and y)(x, y)

What’s a quick way to debug the value of Store objects?¶

The easiest way is to use the mk.print function. This is a reactive print function that will re-print the value of a Store object whenever it changes.

x = mk.Store(1)
mk.print(x) # prints 1
# Will re-print the value of `x` whenever it changes

Underneath the hood, mk.print is just mk.reactive(print), so you can also use it to print the value of any Python object.

You can follow this pattern to create more advanced debugging tools.

Why do I get different Store objects when I index into a Store repeatedly?¶

This is a limitation of the Store object. When you index into a Store object (e.g. store[0]), you get a new Store object that wraps the value at that index. This means that if you index into a Store object multiple times, you will get different Store objects each time.

x = mk.Store([1, 2, 3])
s1 = x[0]
s2 = x[0]
s1 is s2   # This is False

x = mk.Store({"a": 1, "b": 2})
s1 = x["a"]
s2 = x["a"]
s1 is s2   # This is False