

If you run into any installation troubles, open an issue on GitHub or post a message on our Discord server. We’re happy to help!

Meerkat is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip.

pip install meerkat-ml
Optional Dependencies

The core Meerkat package only has a handful of dependencies. Depending on what you use Meerkat for, you may need to install many optional dependencies, since some parts of Meerkat rely on them.

To install all optional dependencies use:

pip install meerkat-ml[all]

You can also install specific groups of optional of dependencies using something like:

pip install meerkat-ml[vision,text]

See for a full list of optional dependencies.

To install the latest development version of Meerkat use:

pip install "meerkat-ml @ git+"
Optional Dependencies

Some parts of Meerkat rely on optional dependencies. To install all optional dependencies use:

pip install "meerkat-ml[all] @ git+"

You can also install specific groups of optional of dependencies using something like:

pip install "meerkat-ml[vision,text] @ git+"

See for a full list of optional dependencies.

To install from editable source, clone the meerkat repository and pip install in editable mode.

git clone
cd meerkat
pip install -e .
Optional Dependencies

Some parts of Meerkat rely on optional dependencies. To install all optional dependencies use:

pip install -e .[dev]

You can also install specific groups of optional of dependencies using something like:

pip install -e .[vision,text]

See for a full list of optional dependencies.


Installing Meerkat will automatically install the Meerkat CLI, which is used to create and run interactive applications.

See meerkat-cli for more information about how to use the Meerkat CLI. You can also type

mk --help

in your terminal to see a list of available commands.

Additional installation required for custom components in interactive applications

You will additionally need the following programs if you would like to build custom interactive components.

  • Node.js (node) version >=18.0.0

  • Node Package Manager (npm) version >=8.0.0

Once you have installed Node.js and npm, you can use the Meerkat CLI to install dependencies for creating Meerkat components.

mk install