
Components are the building blocks of interactive user interfaces in Meerkat.

This set of pages will discuss the following topics:

  • what components are

  • how to compose components

  • how to write your own components

Getting Started¶

Components are the main abstraction for building user interfaces in Meerkat.

Creating a Component¶

To use a component in Meerkat, just import and initialize it. For example, the Slider component allows you to create a slider that can be used to select a value from a range of values.

slider = Slider(

Meerkat ships with a variety of components that you can use out-of-the-box, ranging from low-level HTML elements like div and p, to basic widgets like Slider and Textbox, to complex components like Gallery. A list of the components available in Meerkat can be found here.

Understanding Components¶

Components are defined as subclasses of the Component class, which takes care of most of the boilerplate for you. Let’s take a look at how the Slider component is implemented to understand how components work in Meerkat.

from typing import Any, Optional, Union

from meerkat.interactive import Component, Endpoint, EventInterface

class OnChangeSlider(EventInterface):
    value: Any

class Slider(Component):
    """A slider that allows the user to select a value from a range.

        value: The current value of the slider.
        min: The minimum value of the slider.
        max: The maximum value of the slider.
        step: The step size of the slider.
        disabled: Whether the slider is disabled.
        classes: The Tailwind classes to apply to the component.
        on_change: An endpoint to run when the slider value changes.

    value: Union[int, float] = 0
    min: Union[int, float] = 0.0
    max: Union[int, float] = 100.0
    step: Union[int, float] = 1.0
    disabled: bool = False
    classes: str = "bg-violet-50 px-4 py-1 rounded-lg"

    on_change: Optional[Endpoint[OnChangeSlider]] = None

Let’s break this down.

Standard attributes. Component attributes are defined with Python type annotations, and optionally a default value. These attributes should be passed to the component constructor as keyword (and not positional) arguments. Components use Pydantic to ensure that their arguments are valid.

Slider(0.25) # won't work, the Pydantic model underneath will complain
Slider(value=0.25) # works

Automatic Store conversion. At initialization, the Component class converts standard attributes into Store objects (this excludes attributes with type annotations that are other Meerkat objects like DataFrame or Endpoint), which automatically synchronizes their value with the frontend. This allows component attributes to be used as inputs to reactive functions, as well as passed to other components in order to tie attributes together.

print(slider.value) # Store(0.0), not 0.0

Endpoint attributes. All attributes defined with on_<event> are endpoint attributes, and must have Endpoint or EndpointProperty as the type annotation. Endpoint attributes are run when the corresponding event is triggered on the frontend. These attributes are generally optional to pass to the constructor.

Event interfaces. Event interfaces are defined with On<Event><Component> by convention, and must subclass EventInterface. They document the arguments that the endpoint attributes should accept, and are used in type annotations of the form Endpoint[On<Event><Component>]. For example, the on_change endpoint of the Slider component is expected to be Endpoint[OnChangeSlider].

class OnChangeSlider(EventInterface):
    value: Any

This means that value (of any type) will be passed to the on_change endpoint as an argument from the frontend i.e. this endpoint must accept a value argument.

Composing and Laying Out Components¶

A simple component like Slider will often not be very useful on its own. Components become much more powerful when many of them can be composed and laid out into an interface. For example, let’s create a Slider component and pass it to a Text component to display the current value of the slider.

slider = Slider()
text = Text(slider.value)

Here, you simply pass the Store object slider.value to the Text component. The Text component will automatically update whenever the value of the slider.value store changes.

Meerkat will do this automatically, so don’t worry about it.

Meerkat includes a subset of `html` tags that are quite useful when you want to layout components. For example, you can use the `div` component to create a `div` element that contains the `slider` and `text` components we just created.

layout = div([slider, text], classes="flex flex-col")

As its first argument, div accepts slots, which is a list of components that will be rendered inside the div element. You’ll see that many other components in Meerkat have this special slots argument: all of them inherit from a mixin class called Slottable in addition to Component.

Notice that you can directly pass a list of classes to the classes attribute of the div component. Whenever you see a component that accepts a classes attribute, you can pass a list of Tailwind CSS classes to the component to style it.

Rendering Components¶

To actually render and view components, you must create a Page.

page = Page(component=layout, id="my-page")

The Page class is the main entrypoint for creating interactive user interfaces with Meerkat. It takes a component argument which is the root component of the page, and an id argument which sets up a URL for the page.

Running the Application¶

To run the application, simply put your code into a script, and run the following command in your terminal:

mk run

You can also run page.launch() in a Jupyter notebook to view the page in the output cell.