Custom Components¶

Meerkat has great support for building custom components in Svelte. This page will discuss how to write your own components.

This page assumes some familiarity with Svelte. If you’re new to Svelte, you can read the Svelte tutorial to get started. Svelte is not very difficult to learn even if you’re new to web development.

We try to make this process as easy as possible for you. At a high level, the steps are:

  1. Create a new Meerkat app.

  2. Write a Svelte component.

  3. Write a Python class that inherits from Component, with attributes that match the Svelte component’s props.

  4. Import your Python component into your app and use it like any other component.


To begin, create a new Meerkat app in an empty directory of your choice.

mk init

This will organize your directory with the following structure:

├── example.ipynb
├── app
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── lib
│   │   │   ├── components
│   │   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   │   └── ExampleComponent.svelte

Try running the app with mk run and you should be able to see a page that displays the single ExampleComponent component.

Writing a Custom Component¶

Let’s start by walking through the ExampleComponent component and modifying it in a couple of simple ways to get a feel for the development process. We’ll look at a few files in order:

  • The Svelte component at app/src/lib/components/ExampleComponent.svelte.

  • The app at

  • The Python component at app/src/lib/components/

Before you proceed, make sure you have the Meerkat app running with mk run, and the app open in your browser.

The Svelte Component¶

Open app/src/lib/components/ExampleComponent.svelte, and you’ll see the following code:

<!-- app/src/lib/components/ExampleComponent.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
    export let name: string = "World";

<h1 class="text-center text-xl underline bg-purple-200">Hello {name}!</h1>

You’ll notice that this is just a regular Svelte component that uses TypeScript. You can write your components in JavaScript or TypeScript, use any Svelte features you like, and import any npm packages you need. Generally, we recommend using Tailwind CSS for styling components that will be used with Meerkat (although you are free not to).

Since this is run in dev mode, you can try changing the word Hello to Hi and save the file. You should see the change reflected in your browser immediately due to hot reloading.

The App¶

Next, let’s see how this component is used in the app. Open and you’ll see the following code:

from app.src.lib.components import ExampleComponent

import meerkat as mk

# Import and use the ExampleComponent
example_component = ExampleComponent(name="Meerkat")

# Launch the Meerkat GUI
page = mk.gui.Page(component=example_component, id="example")

This should look pretty similar to using Meerkat’s built-in components. The only difference is that we’re importing the ExampleComponent from app.src.lib.components.

Try changing the name argument in ExampleComponent from "Meerkat" to something else and saving the file. You should see the change reflected in your browser automatically, although the live reloading will be a bit slower since the Python code is being re-run.

The Python Component¶

Finally, let’s get familiar with the ExampleComponent Python class. Open app/src/lib/components/ and you should see the following code:

# app/src/lib/components/
from meerkat import classproperty
from meerkat.interactive import Component

class LibraryMixin:
    def namespace(cls):
        return "custom"

# Component should always be the last base class
class ExampleComponent(LibraryMixin, Component):
    name: str = "World"

Every Svelte component that you write should have a corresponding Python class that inherits from Component. The Python class should have attributes that match the props of the Svelte component, with appropriate types. You should override the namespace class property to a unique string that will be used to identify your component. This is used to avoid name collisions with other components in Meerkat.

The Python class must be defined in the same subdirectory as the Svelte component, as Meerkat can then automatically correspond the two.

This covers the basics of writing a custom component. Let’s now look at a few more complex examples.

Example: Creating a Counter Component¶

Let’s create a new component called Counter that displays a number that can be incremented and decremented.

The Svelte Component¶

We’ll start by creating a new Svelte component at app/src/lib/components/Counter.svelte. We’ll use the following code:

<!-- app/src/lib/components/Counter.svelte -->
    import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
    const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();

    export let value = 0;
    function onDecrement(e: Event) {
        value -= 1;
        dispatch('decrement', { count: value });

    function onIncrement(e: Event) {
        value += 1;
        dispatch('increment', { count: value });


<button on:click={onDecrement}>-</button>
<button on:click={onIncrement}>+</button>

This component has two buttons that increment and decrement the value prop, and a span that displays the current value. It also dispatches custom events when the value is incremented or decremented, with each event sending the new value as a payload.

The Python Component¶

Next, we’ll create a Python class that inherits from Component and matches the props of the Svelte component. We’ll add this to app/src/lib/components/

# app/src/lib/components/

class OnIncrementCounter(EventInterface):
    """Event sent when the counter is incremented."""
    count: int

class OnDecrementCounter(EventInterface):
    """Event sent when the counter is decremented."""
    count: int

class Counter(LibraryMixin, Component):
    A simple counter component that displays a number and allows it to be 
        incremented and decremented.

        value: The initial value of the counter.
        on_increment: An endpoint that will be called when the counter is incremented.
        on_decrement: An endpoint that will be called when the counter is decremented.
    value: int = 0

    on_increment: Optional[Endpoint[OnIncrementCounter]] = None
    on_decrement: Optional[Endpoint[OnDecrementCounter]] = None

In addition to matching the props of the Svelte component, this class has two endpoint attributes, on_increment and on_decrement, which are called when the counter dispatches the increment and decrement events. Using event interfaces e.g. OnIncrementCounter allows you to clearly define the payload of the events so a user of this component can write endpoints that accept the correct payload.

The App¶

Let’s see the Counter component in action. We’ll create a new file called next to and add the following code:

from app.src.lib.components import Counter

import meerkat as mk

def on_increment(count: int):
    print(f"Counter incremented to {count}.")

# Import and use the Counter
counter = Counter(

# Launch the Meerkat GUI
page = mk.gui.Page(component=counter, id="counter")

And that’s it!

Components with Slots¶

Svelte components can have slots that allow you to pass in other components. Meerkat currently provides a rudimentary way to use slots in Python.

Suppose we have a component called Card that has a slot for content. This can look like something like this in Svelte.

<!-- app/src/lib/components/Card.svelte -->
<div class="card">
    <slot />

To use this slot in Python, we can take advantage of the Slottable mixin. This mixin injects a slots attribute into the component that can be used to pass in other components. For example, we can create a Card component in Python as follows:

# app/src/lib/components/

class Card(LibraryMixin, Slottable, Component):

And then to use this,

# Create a card with a Counter and Text in the slot
card = Card(slots=[Text("Counter"), counter])

Components with Data Frames¶

Meerkat makes it easy for you to use data frames in your component props. One of the design patterns that we particularly like is to design Python components that are initialized with one or more data frames, a set of column names and other optional parameters.

For example,

component = Component(

Let’s go over how to actually support data frames in your component.

The Svelte Component¶

Let’s suppose you’re designing a component that visualizes a data frame in some way. You’ll need to pass a data frame prop to the component, and then fetch the data frame from the Python side. You can do this using the DataFrameRef type and the fetchSchema and fetchChunk functions, provided in the @meerkat-ml/meerkat npm package that is automatically installed in every Meerkat app.

    import type { DataFrameRef } from "@meerkat-ml/meerkat/utils/dataframe";

    // DataFrameRef is a type that represents a reference to a data frame on the
    // Python side.
    export let df: DataFrameRef;

    // Fetch the data frame schema from the Python side.
    $: schemaPromise = fetchSchema({
		df: df,
        // ... other arguments
	}: DataFrameSchemaRequest);

    // Fetch a chunk of the data frame from the Python side.
    $: chunkPromise: DataFrameChunk = fetchChunk({
        df: df,
        start: 0,
        end: 1000,
        columns: ["column1", "column2", "column3"],
        // ... other arguments include posidxs, keyidxs, keyColumn, variants, shuffle
    }: DataFrameChunkRequest);

{#await schemaPromise then schema}
    <!-- schema is an object with keys 
            `id`, `columns`, `nrows`, `primaryKey`  
        `columns` is itself an array of objects with keys 
            `name`, `type`, `cellComponent`, `cellProps`, `cellDataProp`
{#await chunkPromise then chunk}
    <!-- chunk is a DataFrameChunk object with keys 
            `columnInfos`, `columns`, `posidxs`, `keyidxs`, `rows`, `fullLength`, `primaryKey`
        and methods
            `getCell(row, column)`, `getColumn(column)`, `length()`

Refer to the definition of DataFrameSchemaRequest and DataFrameChunkRequest in @meerkat-ml/meerkat/utils/dataframe for more details.

The Python Component¶

Once you’ve defined the Svelte component, you can define the Python component, which will be quite simple.

def MyComponent(LibraryMixin, Component):
    df: DataFrame
    # ...

and then use it normally.

component = MyComponent(df=df, ...)