from typing import List, Optional
from import Component, Slottable
from meerkat.interactive.endpoint import Endpoint
from meerkat.interactive.event import EventInterface
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal
class OnChangeRadio(EventInterface):
index: int
[docs]class Radio(Slottable, Component):
"""A single radio button.
If you just want a basic group of radio buttons, use the
RadioGroup component instead. Use this component only if
you want to customize the layout of a group of radio buttons.
For more advanced use cases, we recommend either using the
basic HTML radio button element and styling it yourself with
Tailwind, or using the Flowbite Radio component.
name (str): The name of this radio button. Assign the same
name to multiple radio buttons to group them together.
value (str): The value associated with this radio button.
disabled (bool): Whether this radio button is disabled.
color (Literal['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'teal', \
'yellow', 'orange']): The color of this radio button.
classes (str): The Tailwind classes to apply to the component.
on_change: The `Endpoint` to call when this radio button is selected. \
It must have the following signature:
`(index: int)`
index (int): The index of the selected radio button.
name: str
value: str = ""
disabled: bool = False
color: Literal[
"blue", "red", "green", "purple", "teal", "yellow", "orange"
] = "purple"
classes: str = "bg-violet-50 p-2 rounded-lg w-fit"
on_change: Optional[Endpoint[OnChangeRadio]] = None
class OnChangeRadioGroup(EventInterface):
index: int
[docs]class RadioGroup(Component):
"""A basic group of radio buttons.
values (List[str]): The values associated with each radio button. \
The number of radio buttons will be the length of this list.
selected (Optional[int]): The index of the selected radio button (0-indexed). \
If None, no radio button will be preselected by default.
disabled (bool): Whether this radio group is disabled. If True, all \
radio buttons will be disabled and the user will not be able to \
select any of them.
horizontal (bool): Whether to display the radio buttons horizontally. \
Defaults to True.
color (Literal['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'teal', 'yellow', \
'orange']): The color of the radio buttons.
classes (str): The Tailwind classes to apply to the component.
on_change: The `Endpoint` to call when the selected radio button changes. \
It must have the following signature:
`(index: int)`
index (int): The index of the selected radio button.
values: List[str]
selected: Optional[int] = None
disabled: bool = False
horizontal: bool = True
color: Literal[
"blue", "red", "green", "purple", "teal", "yellow", "orange"
] = "purple"
classes: str = "bg-violet-50 p-2 rounded-lg w-fit"
on_change: Optional[Endpoint[OnChangeRadioGroup]] = None