Source code for meerkat.columns.tensor.numpy

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import functools
import logging
import numbers
import os
import shutil
from mmap import mmap
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
from numpy.core._exceptions import UFuncTypeError
from yaml.representer import Representer

from meerkat.block.abstract import BlockView
from meerkat.block.numpy_block import NumPyBlock
from meerkat.columns.abstract import Column
from meerkat.mixins.aggregate import AggregationError
from import LazyLoader
from meerkat.writers.concat_writer import ConcatWriter

from .abstract import TensorColumn

torch = LazyLoader("torch")

    import torch

Representer.add_representer(abc.ABCMeta, Representer.represent_name)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def getattr_decorator(fn: Callable):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        out = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(out, np.ndarray):
            return NumPyTensorColumn(out)
            return out

    return wrapper

[docs]class NumPyTensorColumn( TensorColumn, np.lib.mixins.NDArrayOperatorsMixin, ): block_class: type = NumPyBlock def __init__( self, data: Sequence, *args, **kwargs, ): if isinstance(data, BlockView): if not isinstance(data.block, NumPyBlock): raise ValueError( "Cannot create `NumpyArrayColumn` from a `BlockView` not " "referencing a `NumpyBlock`." ) elif not isinstance(data, np.memmap) and not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if len(data) > 0 and isinstance(data[0], np.ndarray): data = np.stack(data) else: data = np.asarray(data) super(NumPyTensorColumn, self).__init__(data=data, *args, **kwargs) # TODO (sabri): need to support str here _HANDLED_TYPES = (np.ndarray, numbers.Number) def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc: np.ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): out = kwargs.get("out", ()) for x in inputs + out: # Only support operations with instances of _HANDLED_TYPES. # Use ArrayLike instead of type(self) for isinstance to # allow subclasses that don't override __array_ufunc__ to # handle ArrayLike objects. if not isinstance(x, self._HANDLED_TYPES + (NumPyTensorColumn,)) and not ( # support for at index method == "at" and isinstance(x, list) ): return NotImplemented # Defer to the implementation of the ufunc on unwrapped values. inputs = tuple( if isinstance(x, NumPyTensorColumn) else x for x in inputs ) if out: kwargs["out"] = tuple( if isinstance(x, NumPyTensorColumn) else x for x in out ) result = getattr(ufunc, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) if type(result) is tuple: # multiple return values return tuple(type(self)(x) for x in result) elif method == "at": # no return value return None else: # one return value return self._clone(data=result) def __getattr__(self, name): try: out = getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "data"), name) if isinstance(out, Callable): return getattr_decorator(out) else: return out except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'" ) @classmethod def from_array(cls, data: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs): return cls(data=data, *args, **kwargs) def _set_batch(self, indices, values): self._data[indices] = values def _get(self, index, materialize: bool = True): index = NumPyBlock._convert_index(index) data = self._data[index] if self._is_batch_index(index): # only create a numpy array column return self._clone(data=data) else: return data def _copy_data(self) -> object: return self._data.copy() def _view_data(self) -> object: return self._data @property def is_mmap(self): # important to check if .base is a python mmap object, since a view of a mmap # is also a memmap object, but should not be symlinked or copied if len( == 1: # if the data is a 1D array, then their is a level of indirection to the # the base object because we did a reshape to add an extra dimension return isinstance(, np.memmap) and isinstance(, mmap ) else: return isinstance(, np.memmap) and isinstance(, mmap ) def _write_data(self, path: str, link: bool = True) -> None: path = os.path.join(path, "data.npy") # important to check if .base is a python mmap object, since a view of a mmap # is also a memmap object, but should not be symlinked if self.is_mmap: if link: os.symlink(, path) else: shutil.copy(, path) else:, @staticmethod def _read_data(path: str, mmap=False, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: data_path = os.path.join(path, "data.npy") if mmap: return np.load(data_path, mmap_mode="r") return np.load(data_path) @classmethod def concat(cls, columns: Sequence[NumPyTensorColumn]): data = np.concatenate([ for c in columns]) return columns[0]._clone(data=data)
[docs] def is_equal(self, other: Column) -> bool: if other.__class__ != self.__class__: return False return np.array_equal(,, equal_nan=True)
@classmethod def get_writer(cls, mmap: bool = False, template: Column = None): if mmap: from meerkat.writers.numpy_writer import NumpyMemmapWriter return NumpyMemmapWriter() else: return ConcatWriter(template=template, output_type=NumPyTensorColumn) def _repr_cell(self, index) -> object: if len(self.shape) > 1: if len(self.shape) == 2 and self.shape[1] < 5: return self[index] return f"np.ndarray(shape={self.shape[1:]})" else: return self[index] def _get_default_formatters(self): from meerkat.interactive.formatter import ( NumberFormatterGroup, TensorFormatterGroup, TextFormatterGroup, ) if len(self) == 0: return NumberFormatterGroup() if len(self.shape) > 1: return TensorFormatterGroup(dtype=str(self.dtype)) if self.dtype.type is np.str_: return TextFormatterGroup() cell =[0] if isinstance(cell, np.generic): return NumberFormatterGroup(dtype=type(cell.item()).__name__) return TextFormatterGroup() def _is_valid_primary_key(self): if self.dtype.kind == "f": # can't use floats as primary keys return False if len(self.shape) != 1: # can't use multidimensional arrays as primary keys return False return len(np.unique( == len(self) def _keyidx_to_posidx(self, keyidx: Any) -> int: # TODO(sabri): when we implement indices, we should use them here if we have # one where_result = np.where( == keyidx) if len(where_result[0]) == 0: raise KeyError(f"keyidx {keyidx} not found in column.") posidx = where_result[0][0] return int(posidx) def _keyidxs_to_posidxs(self, keyidxs: Sequence[Any]) -> np.ndarray: posidxs = np.where(np.isin(, keyidxs))[0] diff = np.setdiff1d(keyidxs,[posidxs]) if len(diff) > 0: raise KeyError(f"Key indexes {diff} not found in column.") return posidxs
[docs] def sort( self, ascending: Union[bool, List[bool]] = True, axis: int = -1, kind: str = "quicksort", order: Union[str, List[str]] = None, ) -> NumPyTensorColumn: """Return a sorted view of the column. Args: ascending (Union[bool, List[bool]]): Whether to sort in ascending or descending order. If a list, must be the same length as `by`. Defaults to True. kind (str): The kind of sort to use. Defaults to 'quicksort'. Options include 'quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort', 'stable'. Return: Column: A view of the column with the sorted data. """ # calls argsort() function to retrieve ordered indices sorted_index = self.argsort(ascending=ascending, kind=kind) return self[sorted_index]
[docs] def argsort( self, ascending: bool = True, kind: str = "quicksort" ) -> NumPyTensorColumn: """Return indices that would sorted the column. Args: ascending (bool): Whether to sort in ascending or descending order. kind (str): The kind of sort to use. Defaults to 'quicksort'. Options include 'quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort', 'stable'. Return: NumpySeriesColumn: A view of the column with the sorted data. For now! Raises error when shape of input array is more than one error. """ num_columns = len(np.shape(self)) # Raise error if array has more than one column if num_columns > 1: idxs = np.lexsort( else: idxs = np.argsort(, axis=0, kind=kind, order=None) if not ascending: idxs = idxs[::-1] return idxs
[docs] def to_torch(self) -> "torch.Tensor": return torch.tensor(
[docs] def to_pandas(self, allow_objects: bool = True) -> pd.Series: if len(self.shape) == 1: return pd.Series( elif allow_objects: # can only create a 1-D series return pd.Series([self[int(idx)] for idx in range(len(self))]) else: return super().to_pandas()
[docs] def to_arrow(self) -> pa.Array: if len(self.shape) == 1: return pa.array( else: return super().to_arrow()
[docs] def to_numpy(self) -> np.ndarray: return
[docs] def to_json(self) -> List[Any]: return
@classmethod def from_npy( cls, path, mmap_mode=None, allow_pickle=False, fix_imports=True, encoding="ASCII", ): data = np.load( path, mmap_mode=mmap_mode, allow_pickle=allow_pickle, fix_imports=fix_imports, encoding=encoding, ) return cls(data) def mean( self, axis: int = None, keepdims: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> NumPyTensorColumn: try: return, keepdims=keepdims, **kwargs) except (UFuncTypeError, TypeError): raise AggregationError( "Cannot apply mean aggregation to NumPy array with " f" dtype '{}'." )